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Cawcas Dolls

Hand Crafted Dolls for Disturbed Grown Ups

Laslo the Bat, Jangles the Magpie & Poe the Crow

Cawcas Dolls

In my spare time, I make and sell dolls. They are all unique, one-of-a-kind and a little bit crazy. My partner hand paints their faces and I do the rest. 

Wellybam the Gardener

Cawcas Dolls

Squish & Yeearrrgh! the Spiders

Cawcas Dolls

Wedding Memory Dolls - John & Viki

Cawcas Dolls
Cawcas Dolls
Cawcas Dolls

Click on image for pleating reel

Nosferatu, Turnip Head & The Babadook

Cawcas Dolls

Jonesy the Rabbit

Cawcas Dolls

Papa Legba Coat

Cawcas Dolls

Sandy Claws

Cawcas Dolls
Cawcas Dolls


Cawcas Dolls
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